6  Reasons We Like Our Hot Yoga Hot

6 Reasons We Like Our Hot Yoga Hot

We love all yoga at Oxygen, but here’s why there’s a special place in our hearts for hot yoga.  Whether you’re regularly practicing yoga, or have never walked in a studio before, you’ve likely heard of hot yoga. But have you ever been curious why working out in a...

Hot Yoga is popular.

It’s no secret that Hot Yoga is popular. Celebrities, royalty and athletes are flocking to studios worldwide to lock the knee and stare into their own eyes. Anyone can do it! Here’s what you’ll get when you sign up for a 90-minute beginner class in the infamous...

Why Men should try Hot Yoga

Do you consider downward dogs a little too ladylike? Well fellas, while yoga promises some pretty obvious benefits for both sexes—like improving flexibility and core strength—a regular yoga practice also offers apparent advantages, specifically for guys. Here are...