Inversions, like headstand, can be very intimidating poses. Being upside down can feel amazing but the idea of getting yourself into that position can feel downright frightening! Many worry that they will get hurt if they come into headstand, but preparing yourself for this intermediate yoga pose is key. Start by building upper body and core strength and make sure to work your way up to this intermediate inversion with other, less intimidating, inversions to get yourself ready to be upside down. This week’s variation of headstand is a tripod headstand or mukta hasta sirsasana A.


Strengthens the core, improves balance and focus. 

How to:

  1. Get into a tabletop position, with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Make sure that your palms are flat on the mat to give yourself a good foundation to the pose.
  2. Place the top of your head on the mat in front of your hands, forming a triangle. Make sure that your elbows can still bend at 90 degrees to maintain shoulder stability
  3. Lengthen through your legs, bringing your hips up in line with your shoulders. You can stop here if this feels a bit much for you! 
  4. Engage your core, and take your feet off the mat, one at a time. Tuck your tailbone, draw the lower ribs in, and activate the pelvic floor (yes, there’s a lot to do!). 
  5. Try to get yourself into a straight line but keep everything engaged and don’t forget to point your toes to engage those legs!
  6. For a little extra challenge, lift both legs together at the same time. 

Modify it:

Come into teddy bear pose, or tripod egg headstand, by bringing your knees onto the backs of arms (as close to your armpits as possible). 

Place blocks underneath your shoulders for extra support in the pose. 

Do the pose against a wall until you’re comfortable enough to do it in the middle of the room.