With September comes many things! The beautiful change of colours in our trees, the colder air, and more rain! We have decided to move the location of our LIVE MUSIC YOGA class to the Chilliwack Community Forest! That way, rain or shine, we can still deliver a fantastic experience.
Saturday, September 21st, 6:00 – 7:00pm 
51642 Allan Road, Chilliwack BC
Meet at the Chilliwack Community Forest for a Freedom Flow class with Kaitlyn while Carlea serenades you with her voice and several instruments!
Submerge yourself in the forest, practice yoga, and listen to some great music. There’s no better way to spend an evening!
Only $5 for Oxygen Members from ANY location! 
Not a member? Drop-In for $28. 
Or call us today at 604-700-5196