Spring Forward

They say April showers bring May flowers, but what do the April showers and sunny spring days bring to you? Spring is about shading the layers of winter, cleaning out the clutter, and feeling reenergized by the sun. It is now very common for people to experience seasonal depression. The long, dark, cold days of winter can be difficult for some, so when spring comes and the flowers bloom, our moods bloom as well.

This past winter was long to say the least. Hard to stay motivated and positive at times. Although we still have our soggy days, the sun is occasionally pokes its rays through the clouds finally bringing everything back to life. It definitely feels like everyone is thoroughly enjoying the moments of spring. Vancouver caught one of those moments on Friday. It was one of the nicest days we’ve seen in months and I was lucky enough to have time to walk the sea wall and through the beautiful side walks of Yaletown. It seemed like everyone was enjoying this rare and stunning day. I enjoyed watching strangers engage with smiles on their faces, cute couples kissing by the water, kids zipping by on their bike. I don’t think I saw one frown that day.

In the spring the sun comes out and we feel a deeper warmth. The sunlight kicks up our serotonin, improving our mood and energy. We are more motivated and enjoy pick up the pace, getting more active and social. Our routine tends to change to a wider variety of activities like hiking, biking, beach volleyball, kayaking and golf along with our yoga and gym training. Most people want to get into shape for the summer, or pick up their favourite seasonal outdoor activities or sports. Oh, and patio season is a favourite among many. The early morning workouts are easier to get up for, and we get them out of the way so we can enjoy a good barbecue in the evening.

With the sun out longer we get more things accomplished. It brings a great balance to our lives. Feeling energized by the sun after the long low tide of winter, we lightening our load with spring cleaning, while enjoying the outdoors and socializing.