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This Canada Day we are celebrating 150 years as a nation. Coming into confederation in 1867, spanning more than 5,000 kilometers wide, holding second place for the worlds larges country. We are surround by 3 beautiful oceans, the North Pacific, Artic and North Atlantic. With more lakes than the world combined, our terrain contains lush rain forests that morph into dry deserts. The rocky hills of the Atlantic coastline dissipate inland into flat and spacious prairies. Our northern territories are littered with icy blocks moving around, creating dancing lights in the midnight skies. There is no shortage of beauty here.

Canada has also been a leader in cultural diversity and acceptance. Starting before Canada even became a country by leading enslaved Africans from the south through the Underground Railroad to what was then called Upper Canada in hopes of having freedom. We are a nation that is proud of our cultural diversity and became the first country in the world to have a Multiculturalism Act, providing money various ethnic groups to preserve their culture including the various indigenous groups. It is from both the indigenous people that originated here and the new comers who teach us the value of our land and our freedom. The freedom to live our lives and express ourselves without judgment, and in an environment that is clean, safe and sacred.

Yes, we are known for delicious maple syrup and cheesy poutine but our future and our history holds more than just a pancake topping. Canada is at the forefront in technology with developments in agriculture, transportation, renewable energy and medicine.  A recent discovery off the coast of British Columbia’s Vancouver Island, finds an ancient village that is older than the pyramids of Egypt. And before Bieber Fever and Drake, Canadians created some of the world best inventions such as the telephone, light bulbs, zippers, basketball and five-pin bowling.

While Hockey is the most beloved sports and activity in Canada with a growing number of female players, Yoga is a close second. According to Google Trends, British Columbia has the most searches on Yoga. With 63% of Canadians working in an office, surveys have shown that many admit their fitness levels need improvements. This is a large number of the populations is spending a minimum of 8 hours sitting. The shift however, has begun. Many businesses are offering mid day yoga sessions. Some companies are even offering their employee’s a health and fitness benefit, similar to vacation pay. Employers see the value in keeping their staff in good health. As we know the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle affect all areas of our life.

ParticipACTION is a campaign launched by a non-profit organization, to encourage Canadian to get up and get active. Oxygen Yoga & Fitness challenges you too. In celebration of Canada’s 150 birthday, we hope you will join us in action. Stepping up your fitness game by attending our classes to change those statistics, rating your fitness level at EXCELLENT! Let us set a positive examples on our youth, the future generations of our great nation. Let the next 150 years, be the years we spend more time enjoying our great outdoors, and the privilege of attending fitness classes that do not discriminate against any age, race or religion. The name Canada itself means village and we can stand strong as that by starting in our fitness communities.

happy birthday canada


O2’s 150 Plank Challenge

We challenge all our member’s and fans to take a photo or video of yourself, yogi friends or studio holding in Plank Pose for 150 seconds. Representing Canada by wearing red and white. Tag us in your post @oxygenyogaandfitness  and  #O2plank150.