The Pose of Week is Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, an opportunity to detox with a twist and stretch into those hips. This posture increases the range of motion in your shoulders and spine, while strengthening the upper back and core. Have a seat and let’s twist!   


Stretches the side hips and buttocks. Increases range of motion of the shoulders and spine. Strengthens the upper back and core. Relieves lower back pain. Stimulates the liver, kidneys, lymph flow and the immune system. Teaches correct and efficient movement. 

How to:

  1. Begin in a comfortable seated position with your legs extended long down your mat.
  2. Draw your right knee in towards the chest, while holding the shin.
  3. Lift that right leg up and over the left, placing the right sole of foot down on the Earth on the outside of the left leg.
  4. Point the right knee straight up towards the sky.
  5. Hug the right leg close into the body.
  6. Option to stay here as you are.
  7. Lean slightly to the left, bending the left knee and placing the left foot beside the right hip.
  8. Flex the left foot and press the outside of the ankle down towards the Earth.
  9. Twist towards the right, using the upper body to twist rather than leaning back.
  10. Place your right hand down on the Earth below the right shoulder. Either place the fingertips to Earth, or rooting down into all four corners of the palm.
  11. Place your left elbow just behind the right knee.
  12. Stack the left palm over the left elbow and spread at the fingers or place your hands in a mudra (maybe pointer finger and thumb to touch).
  13. Stack your shoulders over the hips and make sure there is no rounding in the back.
  14. Hugs the legs inwards towards each other and continue to press firmly down with the right sole of foot and the outer left ankle.
  15. Draw the belly in and lengthen the tailbone down evenly so the pelvis is neutral.
  16. Broaden across the collarbone.
  17. Lengthen from the base of the spine all the way up and out the crown of head.
  18. Option to look forward, have the gaze the same direction as the heart or looking over the right shoulder.
  19. Remember to breathe!
  20. When you are ready to come out, release the arm and the twist.
  21. Unravel the legs and feel free to windshield wiper the legs from side to side

Modify it:

You don’t have to tuck in both of the legs. Options to cross the right leg over and stay there, instead of tucking the left leg as well. If you are keeping the left leg long down the mat, following these instructions: 


  1. Align the left ankle in front of the left hip.
  2. Press the left leg down towards the Earth, keeping a micro bend at the knee.
  3. Flex the left foot, reaching the toes towards the body.
  4. Reach out through the left heel and ball of the foot.