This is the last of our 4-part series on back flexibility and back strength. 

Bent-over Reverse Fly:

Stand with your feet about hip distance apart, hinging forward at the hips with a slight bend in your knees. Bring your arms to your sides with your palms facing inwards. Engage your back and shoulders as you bring your arms up into a T-position, thinking about squeezing or pinching your shoulder blades together as you do this. For a little extra, add some weights in your hands!


Start by laying face down on the mat, forehead on the floor and toes pointed out behind you. Bring your arms out in front of you with your palms facing down. Engage your back, your legs, and your buttocks as you lift your legs and hands off the mat. Change up the position by taking a bend in your elbows. Try to manage your breath by inhaling as you lift and exhaling as you lower. 


Most of us know how to do this one, and there are lots of modifications for push-ups. Just make sure to keep your back and core engaged to get that extra strength-building push for your spine. 

To modify push-ups, bring your knees down but try to keep a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. For a little extra, keep your elbows tight to the frame of your body and engage those triceps. 


Starting face down, reach those arms out in front and the feet out behind, just like the starting position for supermans. Enngage your back, your core, and your buttocks and lift your leg and the opposite arm off the ground simultaneously. Try to keep your spine and neck long and avoid scrunching up your shoulders. 


This powerhouse move works not only your back, but everything else including your core, your legs, and arms. Start in a standing position with feet about hip distance apart, with your weight (dumbells or a barbell or a toning bar) on the floor. Bend your knees and grab hold of your weight keeping your hands about shoulder distance apart, palms facing inwards. Keep the weight close to your legs and lift up to your hips, keeping your elbows straight but not locked. Maintain the stability in your spine and avoid arching or rounding.