Being at peace by finding stillness. This is related to mindful meditation. We are busy people, always on the go. A lot of people are more physically active, which is great the we are becoming more health conscious. Lots of people work multiple jobs now. Then add the social and family life in. We have jam packed lives. Our energy runs high in all these things. But we know that life is about balance. Finding stillness is like as kicking off your heels, putting you sweat pants on and throwing your hair in a bun at the end of a long week, but mentally.

Practicing stillness gives you the opportunity to contemplate, observe and listen. It is like seeing things from a third person perspective. Checking in to your inner being to notice how it really feels. If you are over run, and feeling exhausted, or processing a situation on your mind. When we are so busy all the time peace of mind can be put on the back burner. Especially if there is something big going on it can be very overwhelming. The more pushed we feel by it the less we want to pay attention to it. Then over time more and more things are added to this pile. The more difficult it is to deal with things. At that point it starts to really have a negative effect on us. Our mood changes, our immune system takes a hit too. Stillness allows you to digest situations. Giving you a clearer perspective, making it easier to have a more rational reaction or course of action.

Sometimes stillness can be just observing and not contemplating. It sounds cheese but finding a quiet place in nature, without any devices can be very liberating. I once went camping for a week with my family, we had little to no cell service. The first 2-3 days I had it, but after that I felt like I had been released from the shackles. I was more present with the people around me. I was care free, less stressed, and enjoying the company. I know it can be impossible to do this when you live in the city and in doing your day to day, but it doesn’t hurt to turn your devices off or leave them at home for even an hour or 2.

Vancouver is the best place to enjoy stillness in nature. I know, I know, it sounds corny. We have the ocean, sitting on a bench and just watching the sun go down, is finding stillness. Stopping on the top of hill when I’m snowboarding and just look around and mountain, trees, the other people going by. Enjoying the coldness of the air, the quietness around you. I used to go sailing with my family, and my sisters and I would lay on our sleeping bags, on the top of the boat and star gaze for hours. It is so peaceful and makes you appreciate life.

We all need a break from the chaos in our minds. The only person that can give you that break is you. In that time of stillness, you bring a feeling of ease. The high energy of life dissipates. You realize that the things we often stress about are not really worth stressing over. Through stillness you enjoy the present moment and will realize how blessed you are at that current moment in your life as well. You will see from that bigger picture, and have understanding that the things flying around in life are sometimes just that, they are just things and we have a big meaning to life. Life is to be enjoyed. So if you feel like you’re not enjoying yourself, find stillness.