Focusing your mind on one thought.

There is a myth that meditation only when the mind is empty of thought. This is not true, one form of meditation is focused meditation or mindfulness. Focusing on one simple thought during meditation can have the same benefits as an empty thought meditation. This is a great way to introduce mediation. Rather than cutting of thoughts cold turkey, this allows you to have thought but is not in depth. I believe that it takes a lot of practice to clear your head completely. When beginning meditation this way, you will most likely feel less frustrated.

Before you begin a mindful or focus meditation or any mediation, it is important to remove any temptations. Turn off the TV and computer, put your phone on silent. You can use devices for guided mediation or music, but you just want to make sure you won’t be distracted by text messages or calls. Give yourself 10 – 15 minutes of solitude.

Once you get settled and begin meditating there a few things you can focus on that are as simple. Such as your breathing. Ujjayi breath (often used in yoga classes) is slow even breath, passing through the nose. Focusing on counting your breath in and out. This will slow the mind down and relax the body. You can also focus on sensations, bringing awareness into your body. Feeling the sensation of the cushion on your back, or feet on the floor. It is helpful to start from the top of the head and slowly make your way down the rest of the body. Just simply noticing these feelings. If you have any aches or pains you can use the breath to release and tension in the body. In a previous blog posted, we talked about the power the breath can have on your physical body.

There are also positive thinking, guided meditations. Abraham Hicks has a beautiful guided meditation that is available for free on YouTube. She talks about how important it is to focus on our emotions that are connected our thoughts. Her guided meditations get you in a good feeling place from the positive words she speaks. Some meditations can be focused on one of those positive thoughts that can carry emotions. Focus on the word that is very general like abundance, happy, or fun. When you bring your attention to one word, or a few words that carry a positive feeling you will feel the shift in your energy. That shift will allow you to feel calmer and more at ease. It will open up the gates to all the amazing benefits to your health that are achieved only during meditation.

In a way you are also manifesting positive things into your life as well. You are changing your energy from the day to day chaos we all live, into a better feeling place. That clearer mind and clear energy will manifest the same experiences in life. Once you practice focusing on thought or bring your attention to your body and being present, you will also to this when you’re going about your day. If negative thoughts come up, you will have practiced getting rid of those and wont ponder them as long as you once did before. You won’t hold on to those negative emotions either.

I really love this focused meditation. I think it would be beneficial to practice this daily. I know it can be hard to get in a solid chunk of time to meditate, but you could also break it up. Instead of scrolling the internet, try putting the phone down and focus on your breathing, connecting to your body or bring your attention to a positive thoughts and feeling. There is no way you won’t benefit from this!