Hi all! My name is Jessica and I’ve been a member at Oxygen Yoga since early May and I feel compelled to share a few words.

First ill start off saying what I tell everyone, “Oxygen Yoga has changed my life”.  I came in a little anxious and nervous, I had never done any type of yoga or Pilates in my life but had always been interested.  I heard about the $10 for a week trial and thought perfect here’s my opportunity!  I was hooked after my first class, it was challenging and empowering and I knew my workouts would never be the same again.  The atmosphere in the class was positive not intimidating, there were women and men of all shapes and sizes working at there own levels to maintain a healthy body and lifestyle.

I could talk about all the talented Yoga instructors at Oxygen Yoga Langley location but I’d keep you reading for far too long, so ill focus on my personal favorite Samantha! Not that I like to pick favorites but I must give this girl props for kicking my butt 3-4 times a week and being responsible for such an amazing change in my body.  In July I traveled South East Asia for a month and half, so that meant no yoga for me only relaxing on beautiful beaches.  It was when I returned that I realized just how much in a mere few months at Oxygen my core and strength had improved so drastically, I was going to the gym 5-6 days a week and suddenly incorporating the Oxygen Yoga I was lifting a drastic amount higher and my overall appearance and tone had improved.  It’s amazing what your own body weight will do for you.

Obviously we all love visual changes but mentally what the class brings for me is peace and re focusing. When I reach my mat I forget all about my stressors for the week and push myself to limits I didnt even know existed.  When the class is nearing to an end and your sitting in a dimly lit room all in synch saying an uplifting motivating mantra for the week (coincidentally I always think its relating to my week) I recommend you see it for yourself feel the class come together were all thinking the same thing “holy shi* I can’t believe I just got through that”. Kidding but not kidding, we all come back for the same thing a great workout in a uplifting environment.

Checking out Oxygen you’ll most likely come across one of the beautiful sisters Samantha or Haley or better yet Lori the Owner (there mother) don’t you just love that it’s a family affair? I haven’t got a chance to tell Lori but she blows me away every time I hear her finishing up one of her killer wicked classes she acknowledges each and every person in the room! So in the words of my girl Samantha “if it does not challenge you, it will not change you” Thanks Ladies at Oxygen for helping my mind and body


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