Another reason for meatless Mondays!


Our over consumption of animal protein does have a negative effect on our environment, lets take a look at the amount of resources it takes to raise cattle.


The head of the Cattlemen’s association says it takes 441 gallons of water to produce 1lb of beef, but well accredited researchers such as Dr. George Borgstrom (Head of the department for Food Science and Human Nutrition at Michigan State University) believe that its more likely to be around 2500 Gallons, that’s enough water for 6 months of showers…In comparison a pound of carrots takes 33 gallons of water to produce.


Livestock produce 130 times more waste (poo) then humans do, the disposal of human waste is strictly regulated while the animals is not.


19% of methane gas in our atmosphere is from livestock, that’s more then what’s produced by landfills, waste treatment plants and even the methane used in natural gas to heat homes.


50% of the corn grown in the U.S is used to feed livestock, only 8% for human consumption, and 60 million acres of land are used to produce hay primarily used to feed livestock while only 13 million acres of land is used to produce fruits and vegetables.


There are 1.2 billion people in the world going hungry but 20 billion animals raised for livestock are well fed.


If everyone decreased their portions of meat by 50% and replaced it with plant protein imagine the difference it would have on not just our bodies but also this planet.


*Resources include- The Kind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone