“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” -Aristotle

These words are so true. Since the early stages of life we benefit from keeping a regular routine. Parents are encouraged to set up routine for their children, with a proper eating and sleeping schedule. Keeping a consistent routine for children is imperative to either development. As we grow into young adults and become responsible for ourselves it is important for so many reasons. What is a routine? Routines are choreographed habits and rituals that assist in the flow of our day to day lives. The flow and knowing of what is happening next, keeps us in an organized state of being.

Sometimes we tend fall in a pattern of habits. Habits are more mindless actions we do on a regular basis. Routine is planned action and rituals have a deep sense of intent. Some habits are good and some are not so good, but having a set routine is a great way to maintain good habits or drop the bad. Here are three good reasons why you should begin a routine for yourself, if you haven’t already.

  1. Organization

In today’s society is a busy society. There are many who are entrepreneurs, running their own businesses while working a fulltime job, families to care for, maintain a social life and good physical appearance. It can be overwhelming. Keeping a routine allows you to have the confidence to know what’s coming next. On the other hand making sure we set time a side to organize our routines is also important. The more organized we are and the more routine it becomes the more efficient we are.

  1. Security and Confidence

Having a set routine instills a good sense of security. We are creatures of habit and therefore when routines are set in place there is comfort. When you walk into any situation in life feeling organized and secure it boosts your confidence. You feel sure of yourself and can proceed in your routine with little hesitation.

  1. Health

Having a good routine can be so beneficial for your health as long as you are routinely practicing healthy habits. Setting up a morning routine to start your day is probably one of the most important time of day to stick to a routine. The morning routine can set you up for a successful day, because you have taken the time to take care of yourself before having to take on the world. Keeping a regular workout routine has huge health benefits of course. It allows you to improve your level of physical fitness and can better maintain your fitness goals.

Many of the world’s most successful people have daily routines. Tony Robbins, Lady Gaga, Oprah and many other highly successful people have daily rituals or routines. They all take the time to set themselves up to better prepare for their day, careers, relationships and goals. Regardless if you’re a well known celebrity or not, we all deserve to set ourselves up to succeed. A good idea to start with is take a look at your schedule and write it down, see if there are any gaps or unnecessary time wasted. Start with making yourself and your time a priority, incorporate your healthy habits and rituals with more consistency and see how much your life improves.