The brain is a complex master piece, and even with all the magnificent scientific breakthroughs, the mind is still a big mystery. We know that our thought can manifest our realty and can have huge effects on your physical bodies. With all our technology and busy fast pace life it is easy to get lost in thoughts that might not be good ones. Our ‘to do list’s’ or life scenarios can reply in our heads constantly. This constant thought process can take us away from our deeper connect to a higher self-awareness. It is hard to detach from the fast life that moves towards us. To slow this cycle down or find balance within, we must meditate.

The purpose of meditation is to find peace and clarity within. It is to help us reach a deeper state of consciousness. It to replenish energy we lose through our everyday life. Get in-tune with our bodies and relieve any stress. Like we talked about in last week’s blog, it is hard to take time to ourselves and meditation is an amazing way to give back reconnect and give back to ourselves.

We all have our stories of I and Me, we attach ourselves to the story of our up bringing and different things that have happened to us that have made us who we are. These things are not bad, they make us unique and beautiful contrasting beings. But what we really are is intelligent energy. However, we get pinched off the thought that we have a higher consciousness. The way I like to think of it is I have two personalities, the one that has the job, the friends, the reality and the one that is an energy force connected to the universe as whole.

Because we are bombarded with information all day long and kept so busy and distracted by what’s happening around us I think over time we forget to connect to that second personality. So when doing meditation, it brings out the pure flowing energy.

Meditation is clearing the mind of thoughts and relaxing while being awake. Usually done by finding a quiet place, getting into a comfortable seated position with your eyes closed. You can start by focusing on your breath, feeling the sensations in the body. If there is any outside noise allow it to pass and hold no attention to it. Meditation can be a very hard thing to do. It is similar to exercise in the way that the more you do it the easier it becomes. It is very likely to have thoughts wander during meditation and that’s actually ok. Try to find one thought something simple. If you find you head is full again, the best thing to do not to get frustrated but just gently remind yourself to go back to the one simple thought. Don’t get frustrated or discourages, as this is normal.

Start off by just doing this a few minutes every day, key phrase is EVERY DAY. Like I said it is like exercise, the more you do it the better you get at it and the more you gain the benefits. You will be surprised at how much better you feel even just doing a few minutes a day. There are also a lot of guided mediations out there. You can search on google or youtube for one you might like. There are also a few apps that have guided mediations and most have a free trial. It is worth looking into.