Anxiety – Home Treatment

Home treatment, combined with professional treatment, can help relieve anxiety.

  • Recognize and accept your anxiety about specific fears or situations, and then make a plan for dealing with it. For example, if you are constantly worrying about finances, set up a budget or savings plan.
  • Don’t dwell on past problems. Change what you can to help you feel more comfortable with present concerns, but let go of past problems or things you cannot change.
  • Be kind to your body:
    • Relieve tension with vigorous exercise or massage.
    • Practice relaxation techniques. For more information, see the topic Stress Management.
    • Get enough rest. If you have trouble sleeping, see the topic Sleep Problems, Age 12 and Older.
    • Practice  healthy thinking and stop negative thoughts.
    • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and nicotine. They may increase your anxiety level. Some illegal drugs, such as cocaine, crack, and speed (amphetamines), also can cause anxiety.
  • Engage your mind:
    • Get out and do something you enjoy, such as going to a funny movie or taking a walk or hike.
    • Plan your day. Having too much or too little to do can make you more anxious.
    • Keep a diary of your symptoms. Discuss your fears with a good friend. Confiding in others sometimes relieves stress.
  • Get involved in social groups, or volunteer to help others. Being alone can make things seem worse than they are.
  • Learn about resources available in your community:
    • Talk with your human resources officer about counseling benefits that may be available through your employee assistance program.
    • Check with your insurance company to see what mental health benefits are available.
    • Contact your public health department for information on community mental health programs.