Saddle sores can really put a damper the joy of cycling and spinning, and stretching those sore muscles out is the only sure remedy to the pain and discomfort it causes. And as anyone who has ever tried it will tell you, yoga is one of the best ways to stretch and strengthen your muscles. It goes without saying that yoga can be greatly beneficial to athletes when they are sore. For cyclists who know very little about yoga, try these poses for treating saddle sores.

The Warrior One Pose

An excellent pose to start with, the Warrior One will stretch your butt and thighs and help to work out the lactic acid in those tight, sore muscles.

From the down dog position, step your right foot forward between your hands. Then turn your left heel down with the foot angled out slightly. Press into your feet, and reach for the ceiling with both arms, while you’re framing your face with your hands. Pause here and take five deep breaths and then repeat on the left side. This will really get those thighs and glutes lose.

The Diver’s Pose

Another great pose for stretching out that saddle sore rear end is the Diver’s pose. For one of the many times that you wish you had used spin bike seat covers and didn’t, try this pose to loosen yourself up and lose the pain and discomfort. This position works great for a whole lot more than just the saddle sores. Try it out for lower back pain as well.

Start this pose from standing. Next, put a slight bend on both your knees and raise high the balls of your feet from the floor, so you’re perching on your toes. Start to hinge forward, bending at your waist, and keep your arms on either side of your torso. Allow your head to dive toward the ground, and hold this position for a five count of deep breaths.

The Bridge Pose

The bridge pose is one of the most popular yoga poses. Though most commonly used to alleviate back pain and stretch out the lungs, it also works the thighs and butt and is quite relieving to those saddle sores.

Start by lying down on your back, and then bend your knees and position your feet on the ground at roughly hip-width apart. Position your arms on either side of your body and extending toward your heels. Pressing your weight into your feet (especially into the big toe ball), stretch your back longwise and lift your hips. Then interlace your fingers together underneath you. If it feels good to you, wiggle your shoulders slowly closer together one at a time. Hold this position for five deep breaths.

To add to the challenge of the pose, lift your right leg straight up toward the ceiling, and hold for five deep breaths and then repeat and hold for five breaths with your left leg lifted.

The Balancing Table Pose

Another awesome pose to relieve those saddle sores is the Balancing Table. Excellent for your abdominal muscles and your back as well, this one’s a great idea after a long cycle or spinning session. And as yoga is known to be excellent for the mind, and body, there’s no reason not to try it. The effects of this pose will be obvious and are well worth the effort as you’ll see.

To start, get down on your hands and knees, raise your right arm straight out in front of you. While holding that, raise your left leg straight out behind you and hold. Suck your belly in and take a deep breath. Raise both your arm and leg higher until you’ve come to a position that is both comfortable and mildly challenging for you. Hold this position for five breaths. Exhale slowly while placing your hand and your knee back on the floor.

The Locust Pose

The Locust Pose is one of the most simple, yet most effective poses for warding off the pain and discomfort of saddle sores. Being almost the exact opposite of the position of a riding cyclist or spinner, it seems to have an almost reversing effect on the soreness one feels after a long ride or session. It’s really just too easy not to try, so prepare to be impressed.

Lying on your stomach with your arms by your sides, face your palms up. Take a moderately deep breath, and lift your chest, head, legs, and arms away from the floor. Keep your pelvis planted firmly on the ground and stretch your chest forward and your legs backward. In this position, hold and count five slow breaths. Finally, exhale as you release and lower your body back onto the mat.

Next time your spin class or bike ride has you feeling those saddle sores, consider the ancient practices of yoga to help relieve the pain and discomfort. These simple poses will be sure to get you stretched out and road or trail ready as soon as possible. Try them out and be relieved of the pain.

Guest Post from Mike at TCG Media