Just because your back is flexible, doesn’t always mean it’s a strong back. So many of us focusing on strengthening our core, but we neglect to work on that back! Read on for how to fix the situation! 


Oh the pose we love to hate! There are lot of options for this particular pose that not only works on your back, but your core, arms, booty, and legs too! Starting in a true plank on your hands and your feet, keep your legs long and your hands pressing into the floor under your shoulders. Make sure to pull your belly button in and tuck your pelvis under to avoid arching the back. Keep your gaze slightly ahead of your fingers and make sure to press upwards through your shoulder blades. 

To modify plank, come down on to your knees but maintain a long line from your knees to shoulders. Change up the pose by using your forearms in a dolphin plank variation. Come up onto the tops of your feet (untuck your toes) for a challenging variation on this pose. Hold the pose, in whatever variation, for as long as you can without arching your back or shoulders. 

Side plank:

A close relative on the previous pose, side plank starts in a regular plank that twists over to the side. Placing one of your hands or forearms on the mat, extend the opposite arm upwards (or rest on your hip or behind your head). Your legs can stay extended with your feet stacked or staggered (one in front of the other), or drop your bottom knee to the floor to modify. Keep your hips up and engage your core to strengthen through both your front and back!

Pointer Pose:

Starting in tabletop (on your hands and knees), extend one leg our behind you into half-pointer pose. Watch your hips, pull your belly button in, and avoid arching your back. For more, extend the opposite arm out in front of you and stay engaged through your body as you hold full pointer pose!

Find movement in this pose by tucking inwards and bringing your elbow (or hand) to your knee and then pressing back out into pointer. Add a weight to up the challenge factor! 

Bent-Over Row:

Starting in a standing position with a weight in each hand, bend over about halfway at the waist and bend your knees. Lift your arms and pull the elbows in towards your body. Try the pose without a weight or use a band under your feet. Alternate arms to make the move easier. 

Renegade Row:

Starting in plank pose, but with a weight in each hand, pull one alarm upwards and bend the elbow in towards your body. Alternate arms or focus on one side at a time. For more, extend the arm all the way up. Make it even more challenging by adding a push-up in between reps. To modify this pose, come down onto your knees. No matter which variation of this move you take, make sure to engage your car and avoid arching through your back.