There are three teacher-training formats offered at O2 Yoga School. Which one is right for you?


Here at O2 Yoga Teacher Training we want to support you, in everyway, to become the best teacher you can be.  In this vain, we offer 3 different formats of the same 200-hour program in order to facilitate the best learning!


One-month  and 2 Week Intensive:

This isn’t called an intensive for nothing!  Are you ready to jump right in? Dedicate an entire month to learning and growing?  Or, can you only take 2 weeks off from work?  Then this program is right for you.


Format:           Three full weekends, Saturday and Sunday


Two full weeks, 14 days, and classes start at 6 AM.



This format is great if you want to immerse yourself in learning and are able to take 6 weeks in order to do so.


Format:           6-weeks of training, Monday through Friday


2 Saturdays



The part-time training is right for you if you prefer to take your time learning and digesting the information.  Over the course of 3-4 months (depending on holidays) you will slowly explore yoga and develop as an instructor.  You can also work full-time during this format.


Format:           Classes are held on weekends, Saturday and Sunday

On average, every 4th weekend is off (varies depending on holidays).



For more information on the different formats or to discuss your options please call Christina at 604-307-4331…. She always wants to chat!

Or you can email her at .