One thing most of us don’t do enough of, is take time for ourselves. There never seems to be enough hours in a day to get the things you need to do, done, let alone have time to spare. With todays economy, many statistics show that growing number of people have...
This week’s theme has been all about taking time for yourself. I have had the opportunity to hop around a bunch of the Oxygen studios this week and talk to clients about what they like to do to take time for themselves. Of course, coming to yoga was the one thing they...
Putting yourself first is not an act of selfishness, it is an act of self care. When boarding an air plane, there is always some sort of safety presentation and when it comes to the part about the oxygen masks, what do they say? Put your mask on first before assisting...
We all know the mind is a powerful thing. There is a large understanding that there is a deep connection between the mind and the body. The medical community has been slowly shifting gears and realizing that our mental state can have profound effect on our bodies and...
Maintaining a regular workout routine is key to living a healthy lifestyle and successfully achieving your personal fitness goals. As said in a previous blog there are many reasons why keeping a regular routine is so important, and the same reasons apply here. You...
Oxygen yoga is well known for their Fast and Furious Fusion class. It combines the perfect combination of yoga with a fitness kick to it. This is a total body workout targeting all muscle groups while incorporating some cardio to burn the unwanted fat while toning...