by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Sep 14, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
Most often referred to as chaturanga, four-limbed staff pose or chaturanga dandasana is sure to show up in most yoga classes. Chaturanga dandasana is a part of a series of poses called surya namaskar (sun salutation) and is the foundational pose to learn alignment and...
by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Sep 9, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
Plank pose or ardha chaturanga dandasana is a staple in all our classes. Whether a yoga or fitness based class you are likely to come across this full body strengthener! Benefits: Builds arm, wrist, back, and abdominal strength. How to: Start in an all 4’s table...
by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Sep 9, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
This week’s pose of the week is Kurmasana, Tortoise Pose. This shape is not accessible to all bodies but we can adjust it to fit your unique body! Treat each “How to” step as a bus stop, get off at whichever step feels right in your body today. Benefits: Opens...
by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Aug 18, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
This week’s pose of the week is the perfect follow up to last week’s butterfly pose! Wide-angle seated forward bend, Upavistha Konasana, (often called wide legged seated forward fold) may be an intimidating pose but there are lots of options to get the...
by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Aug 17, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
Bound Angle Pose, Baddha Konasana often called Cobblers Pose or Butterfly Pose is a well known seat posture in yoga. If you have taken a Deep Stretch and Relaxation class with us this one will feel familiar! Benefits: Stretches the hips and groin. Stimulates...
by The Oxygen Yoga Team | Aug 10, 2020 | OYF Blog, Pose Of The Week Guide
“Want to go to yoga?”…..”I’m down dog!”This week’s pose of the week is standard in almost every yoga class. If you’ve ever taken a class at one of our studios, then you’ve likely come into downward facing dog pose, adho mukha svanasana. Benefits: Strengthens...