How to harness your naval chakra energy towards positive progress in your life. 

In our last two articles, we delved into our discussion of the first and second chakras {link back to other articles}. The chakras are based on the belief that there is another layer to our body than the physical body, where our energy resides, and where our energy gathers in specific areas we refer to as chakras. 

What is the naval chakra?

The third of these energy centers  is the naval chakra, or manipura, also known as the solar plexus chakra. The symbol for the third chakra is “a triangle within a lotus with ten petals”, as illustrated on Yoga Basics. The naval chakra is located, as you’ve probably guessed, by the naval, and goes up to around the breastbone. The third chakra is thought to be associate with the element fire and the color yellow. 

How much energy we have in each of these energy centers can affect us, and as PhD Diana Malaspina in Healthline explains, depletion or overflow of energy in these chakras will “manifest into different outcomes”. By learning more about the third chakra, you can learn how to tell when it is balanced and how to reap the benefits which come from balancing this chakra. In the naval chakra specifically, the things you might be looking at in this scenario include your confidence, self esteem, and sense of control. 

How the naval chakra affects us

In a sense, all of the chakras are about energy. But, the third chakra specifically is considered to be the chakra which is our “energy power-house”, as it affects our confidence, self-esteem,  and purpose.  Our energy can affect us so much, whether it be being too tired to do something in our day, or passing on positive energy to the people around us.  Also, as with the other chakras we’ve discussed, an unbalanced chakra is thought to bring different effects depending on whether it is over or underactive. These effects follow logically from the areas that are controlled by this chakra. For example, if your naval chakra is underactive, and thus your energy is low, it’s thought to lead to fatigue as well as issues with digestion. On the other hand, if you have an overactive naval chakra, it could lead to feelings of aggression or a need for power, stemming from the imbalance in an area which contributes to your confidence and self worth. 

Physical functions which are thought to be related to the naval chakra include many of those in the digestive system, such a stomach health, the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder. The naval chakra is considered to be connected with your metabolism and your digestion. On the mental level, an unhealed naval chakra is thought to lead to shame, or a low tolerance for failure. An imbalance could affect your sense of purpose, your ability to work towards goals, or your motivation. 

Balancing the naval chakra

As with the other chakras, you can incorporate specific practices into your yoga classes, or your at home practice in order to address balancing this chakra. Some poses considered to be in relation to the third chakra are warrior 1 and 2, bow, and the seated forward bend. Boat pose, and the half spinal twist might also connect you to this chakra. The Art of Living suggests that sweating is a way to connect with this chakra, so practicing these poses in a hot yoga class might help open your chakra even more. In addition to your yoga classes, you may want to try an affirmation, such as the one you can find on Yoga Basics. The Seventh Wonder Holistic Spa also suggests crystals such as topaz and sapphire can be used in the process of balancing your naval chakra. Being as the naval chakra is related to fire, and thus the sun, getting outside to enjoy the sunlight could connect you to this chakra. You may also want to strive for the qualities you seek to improve by practicing them, like focusing on spreading joy or being generous as a way to invite these feelings into your life. Try these practices to see how much of a difference balancing your naval chakra can make in your life, and watch out for our upcoming articles on the rest of the chakras.