Oxygen Yoga & Fitness Chilliwack has been supplying the local community with fun, dynamic yoga and fitness classes for two and a half years! Our infra-red hot yoga studio has been great for sculpting and toning, burning butts and getting amazing arms, as well as...
A Moustache is a Catalyst For Converstation While women’s down health issues have received tons of time and attention and donations, men’s health has taken a back seat. The Movember movement, has finally given a strong voice to men’s health issues....
Meditation On Breathing. Anapana Sati Most yogis guess Anapana Sati, a form of meditation that focuses on in-and-out breathing, is the most important and popular meditation technique of all. Such form of Buddhist meditation as Anapana Sati was originally practiced and...
Langley Yoga studio Oxygen Langley Walnut Grove is one of the flagship locations, open for over 5 years. The time has come for a facelift and Oxygen Yoga Langley is excited to unveil the newly completed upgrades that include brand new flooring, fresh painting and...
Oxygen Yoga and Fitness is excited to announce that three more Vancouver Yoga studios are coming soon! Oxygen Yoga and Fitness was born on the West Coast, so when we get set to open new locations in the Vancouver and surrounding areas, we feel like celebrating. This...
Low self-esteem can negatively affect virtually every facet of your life, including your relationships, your job and your health. But you can boost your self-esteem and feel good about yourself by taking cues from types of mental health counseling. Consider these...