Infrared Yoga Classes DETOXIFY You!

Detoxification with A Far Infrared Sauna Our level of toxic exposure far outstrips our body’s natural elimination mechanisms. To stay healthy and strong in this chemical-ridden world, it is essential to help the body with its removal of harmful waste products. The...
Lower back Pain?? Yoga helps!!!

Lower back Pain?? Yoga helps!!!

Lower Back Pain Relief Yoga Sequence For lower back relief please do the following poses daily or at least after your workout. Breathe deeply in and out of the nose while doing these poses.   1. Supine Hamstring Stretch   Lying on your back, bend your right...

3 Reasons why Yoga is good for YOU!

3 reasons why yoga is so good for you: OXYGEN YOGA AND FITNESS CAN HELP YOU ACHIEVE THESE GOALS…Locations in Vancouver, Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley 1. Lowers stress and improves your mood Some yoga methods use specific meditation techniques to focus the...