7 Best Non-Stimulant Fat Burners for a Safe Weight Loss

It is tempting to undergo weight reduction surgery if you have the money and want to lose that stubborn body fat for good. It might take time for a weight loss meal plan and regular workouts to bring about significant changes in your body composition and fitness....

Yoga, the Performace Enhancer

Yoga is one of the oldest form of movement to promote health and well-being. There is an increase in research on how practising yoga effects the mind psychologically. This is why many professional athletes are taking to yoga. Even professional gymnast who are flexible...
Why Infrared Heating?

Why Infrared Heating?

All of our classes at Oxygen Yoga & Fitness are in a Far Infrared Heated Studio. So what is Far Infrared heat and what are the benefits? Infrared Heat is an invisible wave of energy that has the ability to penetrate all the layers of the human body allowing the...