This week’s pose, often called updog, is urdvha mukha svanasana, upward-facing dog pose. It is part of the traditional morning prayer to the sun known as a Sun Salutation, Surya Namaskara. If you have ever taken a Freedom Flow class with us you have surely stumbled upon this one!


Stretches the chest, shoulders and abdomen. Strengthens the core, arms, and legs. Stimulates digestion, helps with posture and fatigue.

How to:

  1. Start on your belly with your forehead on the mat, hands beneath the shoulders, legs extended long hip distance apart with tops of feet on the floor.

  2. Press the tops of feet, thighs and pelvis into the mat.

  3. Engage the low belly and the glutes as you lift the chest and forehead off the mat.

  4. Press into all-4-corners of both palms of hands to straighten your arms, lifting the pelvis and legs off the mat (hands and top of feet are the only thing touching the floor.)

  5. Wrap the biceps forward as you spin the forearms back to open across the chest.

  6. Lengthening from the navel through the sternum.

  7. Gaze the same direction as your heart, keeping all 4 sides of the neck long.

  8. Exhale release back into Downward-Facing Dog or bring knees onto the mat and press back into child’s pose.

Modify it:

If there is sensation in any of the joints (ankles, si joint/lower back, or wrists) then swap out Upward-Facing Dog for Cobra pose(check out last week’s blog post.) Each body is unique and so not every shape will work for each body and these two are easily interchangeable!