Pose of the Week Guide: Modified Tree Pose

Pose of the Week Guide: Modified Tree Pose

One of the hardest “easy poses” to do is tree pose or vrksasana. It’s a beautiful pose that makes everyone feel like a true yogi, but it’s a challenge to balance on that one leg! The pose of the week is a modified version of the full pose, but it’s a great place to...
Pose of the Week Guide: Four Limbed Staff Pose

Pose of the Week Guide: Four Limbed Staff Pose

Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana) Four-limbed staff pose or chatarunga dandasana is key part of so many yoga classes. It shows up as part of the vinyasa flow, and acts as a foundation pose for many arm balances. Benefits: Builds arm, wrist, back, and...
Ridge Meadows Yoga Fundraiser

Ridge Meadows Yoga Fundraiser

Join us in the beautiful Marv Jones Honda showroom for an evening of yoga, fun, and relaxation with our friends from Oxygen Yoga & Fitness – you won’t want to miss this ‘Yoga Dealer’ event! We’ve got swag bags for the first 100...


In Partnership with Mondetta Charity Foundation, Oxygen is supporting the I AM LOVE project with charity Yoga Classes at studios across the country. The Mondetta Charity Foundation mission is to continuously encourage self-love; a practice which allows us to enjoy a...
Setting Your Intentions

Setting Your Intentions

Have you ever heard your instructor ask you to set an intention for your practice at the start of class? They may even guide you through a group intention, such as thankfulness, openness, or love.  Intentions vs goals Unlike a goal, that has an end result of some...