De-stress with Meditation
Meditation has two important benefits: · Meditation prevents stress from getting into the system · Meditation releases accumulated stress that is in the system Both of these happen simultaneously, leaving one refreshed and joyful. Physical Benefits of...
Do I need to be a yoga master before I take teacher training?
Yoga master?! First off, there is no such thing as a yoga master. Yoga is a life long practice and we are all students, constantly learning and growing. That’s why they call it a practice! I jest, but in all seriousness, I get asked this question (or a similar...
What is Water Weight?
Our bodies don’t normally gain or lose significant amounts of fat or muscle overnight. Instead, when the scale shows a gain or loss of half pound or more from the previous day, the cause is instead likely to be the amount of water your body is retaining. Is your...
You don’t have to be a Gymnast to do Yoga!!
When some people think of yoga, they imagine having to stretch like a gymnast. That makes them worry that they’re too old, unfit, or “tight” to do yoga. The truth is you’re never too old to improve flexibility. The series of yoga poses called asanas work by safely...
O2 Yoga Teacher Training Answers the Top 5 Questions You Need to Know… see if this course is right for you!
Last week we talked about the 5 questions you should ask any yoga school you are considering for training. Today, O2 Yoga Teacher Training will answer those questions. Of course there is still a lot of know and consider before picking a school. If you are interested...
Steveston, Richmond
112-10151 No.3 road, Richmond BC 6046799882 for more information
10 Reasons to Become a Franchisee
Always wanted to won your own business but not sure where to start? That's not an uncommon feeling. That's why many people consider franchising as a way to have their own business, their own legacy, while still not being thrown out there alone. In fact, you get quite...
See results quickly with pushups
Master the push-up—also called the “press-up”—and you’ll be doing yourself a big favour. That’s because its benefits are numerous:Push-ups are a fast and effective way to build upper-body strength—something many women neglect in the pursuit of cardiovascular fitness....
Five questions to ask before you start a Yoga Teacher Training course.
Deciding to become a professional yoga instructor is a big decision. After all, you might be changing careers, jumping into a new industry, and committing a lot of time. Not to mention the cost! Therefore, once you decide this is the right step for you it is...